29/09/97 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 28/06/77
Do not waste anything and lose weight.
The stage of being beyond sound is when you are in your incorporeal stage and the angelic stage is where the language of signals is used to a greater extent. So, do you enjoy the stage beyond sound where there is no noise like that in the corporeal world? Even greater than listening and speaking is to be serving souls through your attitude, vibrations and the influence of your own experience. So, have you experienced relating knowledge, giving an introduction and forging a relationship through these methods? Have you experienced forging a relationship through words? If you were to receive directions through words to serve souls through your attitude, vision and the influence of your experience, would you be able to do it? Or, are you only able to serve through words? You become instruments numberwise in enabling souls to forge a relationship with the Father through words. In the same way, using your subtle stage, your stage of a master almighty authority and a master sun of knowledge, are you enabling souls to experience their own stage and a relationship with the Father? Are you doing this with a powerful atmosphere, vibrations and connection through your form of power? As time is coming closer, in an incognito way, the influence of the Pandav Army is being revealed and spreading. The form of service will definitely change according to the time and according to the service. Nowadays, scientists concentrate on creating quality rather than quantity; they are making everything very minute, so that even though something may be physically small, it has much more power concentrated within it. They have condensed the expansion of sweetness into the form of saccharine. They reduce expansion into its essence. In the same way, you, the Pandav Army, who are the elevated souls with the power of silence, are able to give someone the introduction through an hour’s lecture. So, are you also able to remind others or give them a vision through a second’s powerful drishti, a powerful stage, benevolent and soul conscious feelings? You now need to practise this. In order to become instruments to do this type of service you need two things. To what two things is Baba especially drawing your attention? Do you know what these two things are? Firstly, Baba is asking you to pay attention all round and not to waste anything anywhere, and secondly, to lose weight. Those people tell you to reduce the weight of your body, but BapDada is telling you to reduce the weight of the burden on the soul, due to which you are unable to experience an elevated stage. Firstly, do not waste anything and secondly, lose weight! Special attention has to be paid to both these aspects. By wasting your power and time, you are unable to accumulate, and because of not accumulating, you are unable to experience happiness or the powerful stage that you want. The task of you elevated souls is to become world benefactors. Therefore, you should have accumulated a stock of time and power not just for yourself, but also to serve many other souls. If you continue to waste, you will not experience being full. Nowadays, even the government has a budget scheme. So too, you should also save something by budgeting and aiming to be economical in the time and power you use on yourself. All souls of the entire world are the family of you elevated souls. The larger the family, the more one thinks of economising.
Who else has such a big family as yours? Keeping all souls in front of you, do you use your time and power whilst considering yourself to be an instrument for unlimited service? Are you aware of your stage of a master creator or do you just earn for yourself? Do you use some and waste the rest of it? Are you moving along carelessly in this way? So, budget all your treasures! You souls have such a huge responsibility; so, if you do not accumulate, how would you succeed in your task? To know that everything is to happen according to the drama is an aspect of knowledge, but according to the drama, you have to be an instrument and attain your elevated attainment through serving. Maintain this aim and budget all your treasures. What aim should you have for your budget? Do you remember the slogan, “Greater splendour through less expenditure”? Check all your treasures to see how many you have accumulated. From the accumulation in a physical account, you can only serve souls in a limited way. Check yourself in every subject as to whether you are able to be an instrument for unlimited service in every subject, or whether you are only able to serve through knowledge and not through your dharna. In order to pass fully and become an instrument for service, you need to pass in every subject. If you lack something in any subject, you will pass, but you will not pass fully. One is to pass with honour and the other is simply to pass. Those who simply pass and do not pass with honour have to experience punishment. Because of not passing with honour they have to experience some punishment. Those who pass with honour will observe others pass by. Therefore, you have to pass fully in every subject. So, make a budget and save every treasure, that is, do not waste anything. Use every second and every thought to make yourself powerful in order to serve other souls.
Secondly, reduce your weight. Firstly, you are engaged in finishing the burden of the accounts of the past births, but that burden is not a big thing. However, after becoming a Brahmin, after being called a Brahma Kumar or Kumari, a world benefactor and a world server, if you then commit any sin, whether in act or thought, then the burden of that is a hundred times greater than the first burden. How many such burdens have you taken upon yourself due to the influence of your sanskars, nature, arrogance of your knowledgeable intellect, your desire for name and fame or for attaining some facilities for yourself, or due to carelessness and laziness? Whilst calling yourself a gyani or serviceable soul, always pay attention that you do not become an instrument to cause disservice instead of service by performing any such acts or spreading such vibrations. Let there be service, but also remember that disservice performed once destroys ten times as much service. Just as you erase something with an eraser, so too, disservice performed once destroys the account of ten times as much service. Yet, such souls may continue to think that they are doing a lot of service. Because they have an empty account, the signs of this may be visible, but because of their arrogance, they parade themselves as being very clever. What is the sign of this? There is no experience of power or attainment in their remembrance. There is no contentment inside. At every moment, one or another situation, person or material possession becomes instrumental in making their stage fluctuate and finishing their happiness and power. The external show will be so beautiful that, because of not recognising this, other souls will consider such souls to be happy and good effortmakers. However, inside there is nothing but emptiness out of confusion. The account of name and fame is full but the accounts of treasures and experience are almost empty, that is, they are just in namesake. What other signs are there? Because of being influenced by obstacles, such souls will themselves be an obstacle to service. They are called destroyers of obstacles, but they themselves become obstacles. Because the weight of this burden continually increases for such souls, from time to time, the many types of waste thoughts and peacelessness of the mind also increase.
Secondly, because you are heavy, your speed of effort cannot become fast. Let alone taking a high jump, you are not even able to run. You make plans to do this or that, but you do not succeed. The third deep aspect is that souls who are so heavy, who become instruments to create obstacles or do disservice, are unable to achieve success, because they waste their body and mind that they have surrendered to Baba and the wealth they have received for Godly service. They accumulate a burden from wasting these treasures because of obstacles. Therefore, now understand clearly the deep secrets of sin! What do you have to do now? Do not waste anything and reduce your weight! Before going to the court of Dharamraj, become your own Dharamraj. Open your entire account book and check what still remains in your accounts of sin and charity and what you still have to accumulate. Make a special plan for yourself to destroy the account of sin and increase the account of charity. BapDada looks at the accounts of the children and feels that they should all become prosperous. (There was heavy rainfall.) Even the elements are teaching you a lesson. Just as the elements are carrying out their task with full force according to the season, so too, it is now the season for Brahmins to accumulate an income. Therefore, according to the season, accumulate with full force. Achcha.
To those who are constantly angels and weightless, that is, to those who have the form of light; to those who burn away their past sins at every second and in every thought and accumulate for the future; to those who are constantly world servers and who, as great donors, donate all their treasures to other souls; to those who become full with the treasure of all powers and who become bestowers of blessings through their power; to the merciful souls who are constant world benefactors, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
BapDada meeting groups:
Do you constantly have the stages of having both thoughts of the original self and positive thoughts for others? When you have positive thoughts, all waste thoughts finish. When there are waste thoughts, it means you do not have so many positive thoughts. When you have tasted something great, you would not even think of accepting anything of a lesser quality. In the same way, those who have positive thoughts cannot have waste thoughts. To have a thought means to become the embodiment of that. In nature, the creatures that live in the ocean stay in the ocean and do not wish to come out; fish also stay in the water, for they would die as soon as they come out; the ocean or that water is their world. The great big world outside is nothing for them. In the same way, for those who are merged in Baba, the Ocean of Knowledge, their world is the Father, that is, the Ocean. Do you experience this? Or, do you still want to go on a tour outside? Unless you experience merging and becoming the embodiment, you will not be able to experience the praise of Brahmin life which is of swinging in the swing of supersensuous joy and remaining cheerful. Those who have experienced this understand the importance of the happiness of this Brahmin birth. Brahmins are called the topknot. This topknot is an elevated stage. If you cannot reach here, how can you hoist the flag of victory? If you hoist a flag from an elevated position, you will be called victorious. What is your present effort? Listening and relating continues all the time, but you now have to become experienced. Experienced ones are able to have more influence. When an experienced person relates something and then another person who has only heard something does the same, there would be a difference, would there not? People also now want to have an experience. Why do they have special experiences in the yoga bhatthis? Because, as well as relating, the method to become experienced is to give them an experience. The results of this are very good. Since souls want to have an experience, you should have an experience and give an experience. What method should you adopt to become experienced? Just as an inventor stays in complete solitude in order to create an invention, so too, the solitude here is to be lost in the depth of One. You also need to be isolated from external attractions. Your solitude should not be just that of just sitting in your room; your mind should also be in solitude. Solitude of the mind means to stay in the remembrance of One, and to become stable. This is real solitude. They go into solitude to invent something. They go beyond the surrounding vibrations. So here too, you have to go beyond all attractions. There are also those who do not like solitude, but prefer to be in a gathering and to laugh and fool around. However, that means becoming extroverted. Now, make yourself one who stays in solitude, that is, become isolated from the vibrations all around. Now, such a time is coming when this practice will be useful to you. If you have the practice of being influenced by external attractions, then you will be deceived at some point. Such circumstances will come that you will not be able to see any support other than this practice. To be in solitude means to be an embodiment of experience. Those from Delhi have become the first instruments for service. So, now become instruments with this speciality. Then others will also copy your experience of this stage. This is the greatest service of all. Together and individually, spread an atmosphere of both these types of practice.
Blessing: May you constantly be a jewel of contentment and finish all limited desires by having the treasure of contentment. Those who have the treasure of contentment have everything. Those who become content with even a little experience all attainments, whereas those who are not content, even though they may have everything, will feel as though they have nothing. This is because a discontented soul is always under the influence of some desire. When one desire is fulfilled, such a soul will have ten more desires. Therefore, when you become ignorant of even the knowledge of limited desires, you will be called a jewel of contentment.
Slogan: Constantly keep the switch of awareness on and your mood will not be spoilt.
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